Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Writers' Update

At a meeting of Rob Sibley and Elle Page yesterday, we learned that we have about 28 writers now interested in participating with our project. (Rob and Elle are our writer coordinators.) Since we anticipate between 40 - 50 stories to be told of local homeless people and the mainstream folks that intersect with them, this is a wonderful ratio of writers to stories at this point! However, we continue to seek local writers. So, if you are an accomplished writer or know of a writer with an interest in the homeless, please let us know!

For writers interested in taking the next step to become involved:
1. Send Rob Sibley (rob@thesibleys.us) and Elle Page (ellepage@ciinternational.com) a sample of your writing (or a URL direct to it) that would be most relevant to this project.
2. Tell us where you live (city). We would like to use primarily Boulder County residents.
3. Let us know if you'd be interested in writing one or two stories.

Rob and Elle will review the samples and select writers. Those selected will be given the option of several dates/times for interviews (usually in conjunction with a 15-30 minute photo shoot).

This is a voluntary, non-paid writing opportunity. If your piece is included in the book, your story and byline will be on the page with the portrait and you will be included in the book on the list of authors (likely with a portrait photo and brief bio).

Three writers have already been assigned a subject and we are in the process of having five more writers get connected with a subject and me, the project's photographer. Our project is underway!

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