On Saturday morning, Elle and I hosted some of the writers at our home and studio for coffee, bagels and portraits. The sun peeked through following days (it seems like weeks) of rain clouds and gave us the chance to get outdoor photographs of some writers for the book. Since not all writers could join us, we intend to hold another writers' morning in July.
Here's the photograph of Carol Grever. Carol was one of the first writers in the project. I met Carol at a Boulder Rotary Club meeting last fall when Attention Homes was presenting the meeting's program. Not only is Carol a past president of that Rotary club, she is an accomplished and published author, and she is a member of some local writers groups. Carol is VERY well connected! She was so struck with the concept for this book and the cause that it will serve that she attended our organizational meeting, recruited a number of our early writers, and has encouraged us along the way. Carol has been a wonderful member of the project team and she demonstrates how Rotary works within the community and between clubs.

A particularly big
Thank You goes to Maryjo Faith Morgan for leaving her house guests early on a Saturday and driving from Loveland to be with us. She's a delightful and wonderfully energetic person!
Getting to meet some of our writers for the first time was particularly rewarding. Since most of our communication has been via email, it was great to connect a face with a person, and with the story that they wrote. And, isn't connecting faces with people a key part of what this project is all about?