Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What Led to This

Project Revive asked me to photograph an October 2010 clean-up of Boulder Creek. Participants from local business, non-profits, city government, the faith community, and homeless people in Boulder came together to remove trash from along the creek corridor.  (See for the newspaper account.)

I chose to follow and photograph some of the homeless as they collected trash.  I learned that the Boulder Creek is a main thoroughfare for homeless travel and shelter in the Boulder community.  I learned that there are far more homeless people in our community than ever realized -- lots just blend into the background and we never notice.  Most importantly, I learned that many of the homeless are simply regular people that are dealing with some very irregular issues.  My mental model of homelessness was rocked.

I wanted to do something with my newfound knowledge; to contribute somehow.  So, I decided to create and sell a coffee table book of fine photography and good prose to tell the story of the homeless at the intersections with the mainstream community.  The books will be sold and money generated will go to those making a difference in the local homeless community.

Since that Saturday afternoon in early autumn, my decision has turned into a project involving people and groups with a passion for improving the homeless situation in Boulder.

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