Thanks to all the volunteers and believers that have worked so hard to get us to this place!
If all goes well, we expect a celebration party to welcome the arrival of the published books in February. If you are reading this and following the progress, you are invited!
Between now and then we still have to:
- Start and finish editing.
- Take the cover photo. (I have a great idea for this!)
- Capture some additional photos of authors that will be listed with their bios. That will be on the morning of October 1, the same day as the Niwot Rotary Club's Oktoberfest in downtown Niwot.
- Select the book designer. (The Niwot Rotary Club's project committee will do this within the next month.)
- Design the book.
- Finalize the marketing plan and create some promotional materials.
- Select the printer.
- Send the book to the printer and do proof approvals.
- Visit the organizations that we expect will buy/sell the books
- Receive the books.
- Warehouse the books.
- Have the launch party.
- Distribute/sell the books.
- Present the proceeds to BOHO and the Carriage House Community Table.
Through all of this there are roles for new volunteers. If you would like to participate and make a difference for the homeless community in Boulder, please let us know.